RFO's Financial Report 1st April 2021 - 31st March 2022
Swaton Parish Council - Responsible Financial Officer's Report - Financial Year 1st April 2021 to 31st March 2022
The Council started the year with £4746.85 in the Bank. The Council received £2500.00 Precept from NKDC, Bank Interest of £0.61 and £509.68 Grass Cutting and Litter picking grants and £200 compensation from NatWest due to their inefficiencies. Total Income was £3210.29. A VAT repayment of £38.05 has been claimed, but not yet received.
The Council’s Expenditure for the year was £1486.80 Clerk’s Salary and PAYE, £138.00 Clerk’s expenses, £474.67 for Insurance and £377.11 of other expenses including Wildflower Seeds, Play Area rent and expenses and VAT payments. Total Expenditure was £2476.58.
The Council ended the year with £5480.56 in the Bank.
In view of minimal general cost increases and in line with the Council’s Budget and being obliged by Governmental Regulations to Budget certain sums for such things as Council Elections (which could cost up to £1500), the Precept for 2022/2023 Financial Year has been reduced to £2250. This reduces your Council Tax slightly.
As the Council’s 2020/2021 year’s turnover was below £25000, the latest Government Audit Regulations make us exempt from a full (chargeable) Audit (even though the identical figures have to be produced on an identical form). We still need to have these Accounts independently audited by our Internal Auditor (Bill Marshall).
Please note the Council's full Income and Expenditure accounts (unaudited at date of writing) can be viewed on the Council's website : https://swaton.parish.lincolnshire.gov.uk/ when audited
My FINAL Report as a Councillor and Responsible Financial Officer
Signed : Andrew Deptford - Responsible Financial Officer to Swaton Parish Council.
Report Dated : 01/04/2022