PC Meeting Minutes and agenda - 23rd Jan 2024


PRESENT: Councillors A Wilson, (Chairman), Cllrs Mrs Penketh, Mrs Patrick, C Campion, N Eaves, J Lukjaniec, D/Cllr R Jackson and the Parish Clerk, Mrs S. McIntyre.  

Three members of the public were present. 
Questions were raised about (1) Street lighting; (2) A prior planning approval; and (3) how to feed information into the Reservoir Liaison Committee meeting.

The Chairman opened the meeting at 7.45pm.

1.    APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. There were none.

2.    DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. Block Dispensation – Playpark/Reservoir/Budget, Precept.

3.    MINUTES OF MEETING, Dec 4th, 2023. It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Penketh and seconded by Cllr Eaves that the Notes from Dec 4th be accepted as Minutes. All agreed, the Chairman signed the Minutes. Cllr Lukjaniec commented about how the Cllrs were addressed.

4.    REPORTS FROM VISITING REPRESENTATIVE(S).  C/Cllr Key was unable to attend.  D/Cllr Jackson had sent a report, and some of the points were discussed.  (Cllr Jackson's report is below the minutes)

5.    COUNCILLOR VACANCY. The Clerk will contact NKDC with an update.

(a)    Grant application update.  Cllr Mrs Penketh said a Lottery grant had been applied for.
The recent storms have caused some tree damage, the owner will be notified. 

7.    MAJOR PROJECTS – CONSULTATIONS. None for this meeting.

8.    DEFIBRILLATOR, WEST END.  This is now in place with electricity supply. Cllr Mrs Penketh has registered it with the various organisations naming her as the contact.  Cllr Eaves proposed that the PC writes to the Hut Committee thanking them for sharing the cost of this. Seconded by Cllr Mrs Patrick.  All agreed.

9.    ALLOTMENTS – Proposal to Carter Jonas. Update by the Chairman. This is in the early stages. There is some village interest, but enquiries will continue. The Chairman will continue liaising with the Crown Agents.  Cllr Mrs Penketh is looking into possible grants for equipment.

10.    FLOODING.  West End did flood, but no properties were affected. There was a discussion about a Resilience Plan. The Chairman will talk with Mr Arnold about current flooding actions/precautions in the parish.

11.    POLICIES AND PROCEDURES.  It was noted that former Cllr Deptford was still mentioned in some parts of the web site.
•    Public Relations Policy.  Cllr Eaves opened a discussion as to how the PC could more effectively pass on information into the parish. Re-activating a newsletter, use of social media were discussed.  It was agreed to have discussions informally and bring some ideas to the next meeting. 

12.    PC NOTICE BOARD.  This needs repairing/replacing. It was proposed by Cllr Campion that if it is possible to repair it within the Chairman’s allowance for this financial year, then this should be done. Seconded by Cllr Eaves. All agreed, the Resolution was passed.

13.    SURGERY ITEMS BROUGHT TO MEETING. None submitted for the Agenda.

•    Monthly report.  The meeting closed at 8.31 and re-opened at 8.33. The RFO explained the report, and that 2 amendments were required.  It was proposed by Cllr Lukjaniec and seconded by Cllr Campion that, with the amendments, the report and the payments be accepted.  All agreed, the Resolution was passed.
•    Budget 2024/25.  The RFO explained an amendment needed. It was proposed by Cllr Campion that, with the amendment, the Budget be accepted and that a Precept of £2750 be requested from NKDC. 
•    Internal Auditor.  After discussion, it was proposed by Cllr Lukjaniec and seconded by Cllr Campion that the Clerk of Donington PC, who acts as I.A. for neighbouring Councils, be appointed as I.A.

15.    PLANNING MATTERS. 24/0004/PNND Notice prior approval for change of use agricultural building to dwelling. Brick Barns off Pepper’s Lane. It was noted that this was a pre-planning approval stage.  Should planning permission be required, the PC will be consulted.

16.    L.A.L.C. None for this meeting

•    Parish Council Engagement NKDC and SKDC, Dec 7th.  The Chairman attended, and forwarded the presentation notes.
•    NKDC funding for capital projects in NK.  Enquiries as to whether this would include items such as the notice board, and village gates.
•    Greater Lincolnshire Consultation..  Noted. 

12th March   May 21st – Annual Meetings        July 16th.  September 17th.            November 19th.

The Chairman closed the meeting at 8.52pm.

District Councillors Report Swaton - March 2024

Community Emergency Plan
Information evening on the 19th February at the County Emergency Centre.

Sleaford Market Place
23/0803/FUL to develop Sleaford Market Place was approved by Planning Committee on 16/01/24.  A petition was submitted to NKDC about the Planning Application and debated at Full Council on 25/01/24, the petition was unsuccessful.  In addition, a Motion was brought forward at Full Council not to act on any planning permission in its name regarding changes to the Sleaford Marketplace and instead consult with the public and businesses on a future design with support from the local community.  The motion was unsuccessful.
More information can be found HERE. 

Heckington By-election 
Following the resignation of Councillor Stewart Ogden, a By-Election for one District Council seat for the Heckington Rural Ward is scheduled for Thursday 21 March 2024. 
Further information and key election dates are available on the Council's website HERE.
If you have any questions, please email HERE or call 01529 308352. 

The Council will enter a Pre-Election Period from Thursday 15 February until the close of polls on Thursday 21 March.

Sleaford wayfinding signage
The first phase of new wayfinding signage for Sleaford town centre is due to be installed next week.
The six signs will display a wider range of information than the fingerposts which were in place previously.
They also use the heritage green colour associated with Sleaford and visually reflect its history and heritage in lots of other ways, including the use of the Sleaford skyline. Five of the signs are columns and the sixth sign is a wall-mounted orientation panel, and the design is the result of direct input by stakeholders including a public survey.
A second phase using UKSPF funding will follow, aimed at supporting the spaces between the six signs including with ginnel plaques and new finger posts pointing to specific areas of interest. Visit https://www.n-kesteven.gov.uk/council-news/2024/03/first-sleafords-new-wayfinding-signs-be-installed

Electric vehicle charging
North Kesteven District Council are researching the locations where residents would like to see electric vehicle charging points, aside from private homes. 
There are three types of locations under consideration - on-street, destination and en-route charging points. Share your thoughts www.n-kesteven.gov.uk/ev

Report fly-tipping
A Lincoln man pleaded guilty last week (Monday 29 January) at Boston Magistrates' Court to being involved in the collection of waste from a home also in Lincoln. The waste had been found fly-tipped later on farmland near Navenby. He received a fine and costs totalling £948.
The householder involved had put out an advert on Facebook asking for someone to take the waste...  Your waste is your responsibility even after it's taken away.
To help, North Kesteven District Council have created an easy online form so you can carry out the correct checks and keep as proof should your waste end up fly-tipped later. 

Repair Café back for 2024
Sleaford’s Repair Café, run by Sleaford Climate Action Network, is returning in 2024 in a bid to keep more items out of the waste system and staying in use.
You can take along small electricals, toys, clothing and textiles, I.T. equipment, bicycles and many other items for a free repair by experienced volunteers (though donations are welcome). 
The café is open from 12.30pm – 3pm at the Riverside Church Hall, Southgate on:
•    Saturday 16 March
•    Saturday 18 May
•    Saturday 20 July
•    Saturday 21 September
•    Saturday 16 November
The team are always looking for new repairers so if you have skills and experience in repairing any items, please contact Sleaford CAN.
For any enquiries, please email HERE or call or 07962 3605

Free portrait of His Majesty The King for town and parish councils
There is a government-funded voluntary scheme throughout the United Kingdom to allow public authorities to apply for a free, framed portrait to celebrate the new reign of His Majesty The King.
The second phase of the scheme opened on 12 February for applications from town, parish and community councils and MoD sponsored cadet forces. It will remain open until 28 March 2024.
You can view the image and apply for one free framed portrait per council using the link HERE. 


Small grants made available to village halls in England
Managed by Action with Rural Communities in England (ACRE), the fund has already awarded over £1 million to rural communities, helping them undertake ambitious improvements to their building. Works undertaken or scheduled to take place include new roofs, insulation, extensions, and more energy-efficient heating systems. 
The grant fund is re-opening to new applicants who wish to undertake smaller projects such as disability access, toilet upgrades and new kitchens. Grant awards of between £2,000 to £5,000, and up to 20 per cent of eligible project costs, are on offer. Project expenditure must take place before 31 March 2025. 
The minimum grant available has been set at £2000 and the largest grant at £5000. Note: As the grant can only be 20% of eligible project costs your committee must have the 80% match in hand or identified at the point of submitting the application. 
For more information please visit the link: https://acre.org.uk/press-release-small-grants-made-available-to-village-halls-in-england/

Local councils are now also invited to apply for fund
Good causes, not-for-profit groups, and now local councils too are all invited to seek funding for community projects through an ongoing grant scheme.
The Sleaford REP Community Power Fund is £125,000 of grant money available up until 2025 to support community projects. The fund is delivered in partnership by Schroders Greencoat, owners of the Sleaford Renewable Energy Plant, and North Kesteven District Council which helps administer it.
Community projects that contribute to environmental sustainability, sport, wellbeing and education, in order to empower and foster community development are all eligible to apply, and are encouraged now to get their applications in.
Projects eligible for funding include – but are not limited to – enhancing green spaces, support for community groups, investments in community facilities and organising events or performances. The eligibility criteria for local councils differ slightly from other community groups. Local councils may only apply for capital projects and must provide 50% match funding.
The fund allocates £25,000 per year and grants up to £5,000 per application in a single year. Applications are reviewed quarterly by the Sleaford REP Community Fund panel, which is made up of representatives from the energy plant, North Kesteven District Council and the local community.
To qualify for funding, groups must be not-for-profit entities with a registered office located within five miles of the Sleaford Renewable Energy Plant and possess a constitution or governing document, as well as a bank or building society account.

The locations eligible to apply for funding are; Anwick, Asgarby and Howell, Ashby de la Launde, Aswarby and Swarby, Aunsby and Dembledy, Burton Pedwardine, Cranwell, Culverthorpe and Kelby, Dorrington, Ewerby and Evedon, Great Hale, Heckington, Helpringham, Kirkby la Thorpe, Leasingham and Roxholm, Little Hale, North Kyme, North Rauceby,  Osbournby, Ruskington, Scredington, Silk Willoughby, Sleaford, South Kyme, South Rauceby, Swaton, Threekingham and Wilsford.
For more information please visit: https://www.n-kesteven.gov.uk/council-news/2024/02/local-councils-now-also-invited-apply-fund
View the Community fund form guidelines HERE.

North Kesteven Community Lottery fund grants available to community groups
The number of good causes and community groups benefitting from the North Kesteven Community Lottery is set to expand.
Lincolnshire Community Foundation and North Kesteven District Council continue to work together to identify and invite local charitable organisations to apply for grants of up to £500. The aim is to target and support smaller, volunteer-led, non-profit organisations operating across North Kesteven for the benefit of local residents.
The application process is straightforward and help is available at every step (eligibility, structures, governance etc) from our team. Funds should be used to ensure the good health and mental wellbeing of residents; to promote connectivity (digital/peer support); to host community/cultural activities and events that bring communities together; to support youth activities including uniformed groups.
Examples of the type of project costs that can be requested include volunteer expenses, resources and equipment, event costs, premises costs, sessional fees, running costs, insurance and annual subscriptions.
The closing date for receipt of applications is on Friday 1 March 2024, with decisions notified within 6-8 weeks.
Details are available on the Lincolnshire Community Foundation’s Grants Page: https://lincolnshirecf.co.uk/


Members of the public may also attend this meeting as observers, but will not be allowed to speak during the transaction of the business.  The first 15 minutes are allocatedfor the public to ask any questions in regards to only the items on the agenda as below. 


2.    DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. Block dispensation – Playpark/ Reservoir/ Budget, Precept.

3.    APPROVAL OF THE MINUTES - Clerks’ Notes from Jan 23rd,  2024, – accepting as Minutes. 

5.    COUNCILLOR VACANCIES.  Update on the three vacancies. Agree to co-opt a new Cllr if possible.

6.    PLAYPARK :
Grant. Any update on a grant application. Update on storm damaged tree.

Any update/progress on establishing any interest in having an allotment?

8.    FLOODING/RESILIENCE PLAN. Current flooding actions/precautions. Is there a need for a Resilience Plan?

•    Beacon Fen Energy Park – Statutory Consultation ended 3/3/24. Details circulated.
•    Reservoir Liaison Cttee. – Establish 2-way communication channels between the PC and the Liaison Cttee.

•    Public Relations Policy. Have any ideas been generated to bring to this meeting?

11.    PC NOTICE BOARD. Update on repair/replacement and possible grant.

12.    RE-INSTATING A NEWSLETTER. Have discussions between meetings brought any ideas to this meeting?


14.    FINANCE – 
•    Monthly report from RFO, including signing of Cheques/Approval of any BACS payments. Note and Accept.
•    PC Bank Account – finalise who should have access.
•    Internal Auditor.  
•    Bank account access.


16.    L.A.L.C.  Bulletins forwarded when received.

•    Police and Crime Road Safety Issues -Zoom meeting Feb 20th – anyone attend?
•    Parish Council Engagement NKDC and SKDC, Greater Lincolnshire. Details of dates etc to be notified closer to the time. 
•    Police and Crime Commissioner – campaign to tackle fraud and scams – details of a pack available.

May 21st (Annual meetings)                     July 16th             September 17th                                          November 19th.