Parish Council Meeting Agenda 17th Nov 2020 Via Zoom
PRESENT: Councillors A Wilson, (Chairman),(7.10pm), A Deptford, Mrs E Penketh, Mrs J Patrick, C Campion, D/Cllr Jackson and the Parish Clerk, Mrs S. McIntyre.
In the absence of the Chairman, Cllr Mrs Penketh took the Chair.
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. Cllr C Richardson, Cllr Mrs Parsons. Their apologies and reasons were accepted by the Council.
MINUTES. Minutes from the Zoom meeting on Sept 15th 2020. It was proposed by Cllr Mrs Penketh, and seconded by Cllr Campion that, with minor amendments, these be approved. Resolution passed. To be signed when appropriate. Cllr Wilson joined the meeting and took the Chair.
REPORTS FROM VISITING REPRESENTATIVE(S). D/Cllr Jackson had circulated his report prior to the meeting. He will update the PC on the Covid situation at Moy Park and the former Tulip factories as appropriate.
No other representatives were present.
PLAY PARK. A small fault in the see saw has been rectified. Cllr Campion will clear the fallen leaves. Kick boards are still to be fitted on the fencing. Wooden elements on the equipment will need to be treated with preservative, The adjoining hedge has been cut – The Clerk was asked to write to the farmer thanking him.
HIGHWAYS. About 2 months ago some potholes were marked for repair, but there has been no action since. The Clerk was asked to contact C/Cllr Young to check the timetable for repairs.
DAFFODILS. From Jan 2020. It was proposed by Cllr Deptford and seconded by Cllr Campion that £75 be spent on daffodil bulbs to be placed around the village. The Resolution was passed. Cllr Deptford will organise purchase. The parishioner requesting this will be contacted to assist with the planting.
Monthly report from RFO, including BACS payments. The RFO explained the previously circulated monthly report. It was proposed by Cllr Campion and seconded by Cllr Mrs Penketh that the report and payments be accepted as a true record. Agreed, the Resolution was passed.
Budget 2021/22. Preliminary report from RFO. This had been circulated. The January meeting will finalise the Budget prior to submitting the precept requirement to NKDC.
Audit 2019/20. Audit exemption certificate received and exempt status noted. No review. This was noted.
20/1222/FUL. Erection of 2 storey dwelling and detached garage at Orchard House, Parson’s Drove. Using devolved powers Resolved in March 2020, ‘No Objections’ were submitted before the Nov 1st deadline.
Remembrance Sunday. Ideas for commemorating received from R.B.L.
Dog Fouling. Poster circulated by N.K.D.C.
Volunteering. Young People’s Learning Provision. Opportunities for young volunteers. Cllr Campion made enquiries about a volunteer helping on the allotments. He updated the meeting on the current usage of the allotments. Any arrangement should be between the Learning organisation and the Crown Estates.
Lincs Police Recruitment Campaign – Press release circulated.
NKDC Community Champions. Deadline Oct 20th.
Natural Flood Management Project. Update. The land to be used for flood management has still to be finalised. Cllr Richardson is keeping up to date with any progress.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING . Tuesday January 19th 2021. This will be subject to guidelines applicable at the time.
FUTURE MEETINGS - 2021: 8pm Tuesday January 19th
7.30pm Tuesday March 16th,
7.30pm Tuesday May 18th. Annual Meeting of Parish Council.
Annual Parish Meeting – subject to guidelines. 7.30pm Tuesday July 20th
7.30pm Tuesday September 21st
7.30pm Tuesday November 16th
AGENDA Nov 2020
Members of the public may also ‘attend’ this meeting as observers, but will not be allowed to speak during the transaction of the business.
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST. To receive and Declarations.
MINUTES. Resolve to accept the notes from the Zoom meeting on Sept 15th 2020.
REPORTS FROM VISITING REPRESENTATIVES, if any. County, District Councillors, Police representative.
PLAY PARK. Updates, if any. Farmer agreed to cut back adjoining hedge. Play area can remain open during second lockdown.
HIGHWAYS. Any progress on reported Highways Problems?
LCC Grass cutting : Grant received from LCC. Litter Picking : Grant received from NKDC.
DAFFODILS. From Jan 2020. Request to plant daffodils at each entrance to the Village. Quote of £75 has been received. AAD will collect from Spalding if required.
Monthly report from RFO, including signing of Cheques/Approval of BACS payments. To be accepted and signed. Playpark Inspection invoice paid. Budget 2021/22. Preliminary report from RFO.
20/1222/FUL. Erection of 2 storey dwelling and detached garage at Orchard House, Parson’s Drove. Using devolved powers Resolved in March 2020, Councillors ‘discussed’ and agreed ‘No Objections’ was submitted before the November 1st deadline.
CLERK’s REPORT. Matters circulated for noting or action not requiring a Resolution.
Remembrance Sunday. Ideas for commemorating from R.B.L.
Dog Fouling. Poster circulated by NKDC.
Volunteering. Young People’s Learning Provision – Any opportunities for a young volunteer?
Lincs Police Recruitment Campaign – Press Release.
NKDC Community Champions –Deadline Oct 29th.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING. Tuesday January 19th 2021, 7.00pm. This will be subject to guidelines re Covid 19 at the time.
Suggested Dates for 2021. Third Tuesday, 7pm (Zoom) 7.30pm (face to face). Subject to current Guidelines.
January 19th. March 16th May 18th – Annual Meeting of the Parish
Council. Annual Parish Meeting, subject to current guidelines.
July 20th. September 21st. November 16th.
There being no further business, the meeting was closed at 7.30pm.