PC Meeting Minutes - 21st Jan 2020
Minutes of PC Meeting - Jan 21st 2020
PUBLIC FORUM, 7.30pm. One member of the public said that the proposed book exchange would duplicate the second hand books in the Hut, and the PC should not go to any expense as books were available in the village. Cllr Mrs Penketh said that the Hut is not always open, it was a way of encouraging children to read more, it is accessible 24/7 and for what is proposed there is no charge to the PC.
PRESENT: Cllr A Wilson (Chairman) Cllrs A Deptford, Mrs Penketh, Mrs J Patrick, C Campion, Mrs G Parsons, and the Clerk, Mrs S McIntyre. D/Cllr Jackson was present.
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. Cllr Richardson, his apology was accepted.
DECLARATIONS OF INTEREST/DISPENSATIONS. Block exemption for matters in connection with the Swaton Play area, and Budget discussions. Cllr Mrs Patrick, item 12.
SIGNING OF THE MINUTES - Clerks’ Notes from the meeting of Nov 19thth, 2019. Cllr Deptford proposed and Cllr Campion seconded that these, with 2 minor amendments, be approved as a true record. All agreed, the Resolution was passed, the Chairman signed the Minutes.
COUNTY/DISTRICT/POLICE MATTERS. Neither C/Cllr nor Police representative present. D/Cllr Jackson said NKDC were budget setting and an electoral review was underway to even out the number of electorates in each NKDC Ward. Swaton’s ward is within the limits, but may be affected by changes to adjoining wards. He is looking into broadband black spots and leading a voucher scheme for cabinet upgrades. Cllr Mrs Penketh outlined the problem in one part of Swaton. She and D/Cllr Jackson will liaise further.
PLAY AREA UPDATE. Block Dispensation. Cllr Mrs Penketh said the new piece of equipment will be installed at the beginning of February, subject to weather. She will not be applying for any more grants for children’s play equipment. Cllr Wilson said everything was in place ready to complete the fencing.
Play park inspection. Weekly/monthly inspections. Cllrs Mrs Penketh and Wilson are finalising the weekly and monthly checklists. Cllr Wilson is completing the checks at the moment.
Annual Inspection. The Clerk had obtained details from other Clerks. One Company, recommended by many Clerks, was also the most competitively priced. Cllr Mrs Penketh said she will ask the company supplying the last piece of equipment about an annual inspection. It was proposed by Cllr Campion and seconded by Cllr Deptford, that if they are competitively priced and available to inspect at the same time as installation, then she should arrange this. If not, the Clerk’s recommended company should be contacted.
VILLAGE BOOK EXCHANGE. Cllr Mrs Penketh reported that forms for the siting of the pole had been exchanged with LCC and signed. D/Cllr Jackson said the one in Osbournby was well used, stocking books, magazines, DVD’s etc. Cllr Deptford proposed and Cllr Mrs Penketh seconded that, provided there will be no cost to the PC, then a wooden Book Exchange box can be installed where the phone box was.
SPEED SIGNS IN VILLAGE. These are now in place. There was a discussion about their position and display and the stats which have been, or could be, collected. Cllr Wilson produced a breakdown of the initial stats – these can be more detailed for exact speeds and times. Part of one of the displays seems to have been switched off – Cllr Wilson will look at the set up data for this one. He asked for someone else to be responsible for collecting the data from the signs – Cllr Mrs Patrick said her husband might agree to do this.
It was agreed that Cllr Wilson purchase an extra set of fixing clips.
Daffodils in Village. Cllr Deptford had made some preliminary enquires. He agreed to continue with these and report to a future meeting, later in the year.
Web site. A recent e mail from LCC confirms they will be transferring PC websites onto their new system. Free training will be arranged. Osbournby have offered premises with wi fi. Cllr Deptford currently edits the website and will attend (subject to date/time). Cllrs Mrs Parson and Mrs Penketh also expressed an interest in being trained.
Village Notice Board. A parishioner will be asked to see if they could repair it.
Power supply into the Hut. It was agreed that this was not the PC responsibility and the Hut committee should be asked whether it has been tested. MARCH meeting.
Monthly report from RFO had been circulated and explained. It was proposed by Cllr Campion and seconded by Cllr Mrs Parsons that the report be accepted, and the below payments approved. All agreed, the Resolution was passed.
Signing of Cheques and approval of BACS payments.
Mrs S McIntyre BACS Expenses January/February £23.00
Payment to Cllr Wilson to reimburse miscellaneous items for play area fencing. £21.57
Clerk’s Salary review. The Clerk had circulated details of the history or her salary and a rough guide of other Clerks’ scales. She then left the room. On her return, she was told the PC had agreed to the SCP scale of 17 - £12.39 per hour for 10 hours per month.
Chairman’s expenses. It was agreed that the Chairman’s expenses for the current financial year should be used for the annual play park inspection.
Budget 2020/21. Cllr Deptford had circulated a proposed draft budget. There was some discussion. It was proposed by Cllr Campion and seconded by Cllr Mrs Penketh that a precept of £2750 should be requested from NKDC by the Clerk. All agreed, the Resolution was passed.
NKDC – Snowdrop event, Feb 9th 12 midday Whisby. Circulated.
Lincs Crime and Policing Survey. Circulated Dec 17th.
Local History Society, research e mail 21/12. Circulated.
Buckingham Palace Garden Party My 12th 2020. Details circulated. Cllr Wilson said that Cllr Deptford has been nominated by the PC.
LALC Confidential e mail 21/12. Circulated. Note.
LCC Deadline for water extraction. E mail circulated 13/01 Noted.
Electoral Review NKDC. E mail circulated. D/Cllr Jackson had explained this in Item 4.
Lincs Environmental Award. E mail 16/01 circulated.
Collapsing wall . Owner aware – it is the subject of an insurance claim.
LALC NEWS AND TRAINING. LALC news 171, with training dates, plus weekly bulletins, circulated.
LALC annual training scheme 2020, £75 plus VAT (£90). Councillors were asked to check all training dates before a decision. MARCH meeting.
Clustering Survey Consultation, plus possible briefing day. Circulated. D/Cllr Jackson took details away to see what interest there may be in his group of PC’s.
PLANNING: 19/1579 VAR CON. Smithy Farmhouse. No comments forwarded. Plans approved.
Church Farm, High Street. Demolition of conservatory and erection of single storey rear extension. Cllr Mrs Patrick left the meeting. It was proposed by Cllr Campion and seconded by Cllr Mrs Parsons that ‘No Objections’ should be returned.
URGENT MATTERS FOR DISCUSSION. Potholes still a problem and some repairs already filing. All parishioners should be encouraged to report these, and links for reporting should be publicised better. Review if any action/improvement. MARCH meeting.
MARCH meeting – Review of Cllr responsibilities.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING . Tuesday March 24th 2020.
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 9.23pm