PC Meeting July 2020 (Via Zoom) Minutes and Agenda
PRESENT: Councillors A Wilson, (Chairman), A Deptford, Mrs J Patrick, C Campion (7.15pm), Mrs G Parsons, (7.20pm). D/Cllr Jackson and the Parish Clerk, Mrs S. McIntyre.
APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE. Cllrs C Richardson and Mrs E Penketh.
MINUTES. Actions and Procedures agreed by e mail for March 24th, 2020. Minutes from the Zoom meeting on May 19th 2020. It was proposed by Cllr Deptford and seconded by Cllr Mrs Patrick that these be approved. Resolution passed.
PLAY PARK. Update – play park now open. Adjacent trees , originally planned for trimming, were found to be in a poor state so have been removed. This has let much more light into the park. The park opened after a deep clean, appropriate signage is in place. It is getting very well used. The fencing will be completed and anti weed membrane put in place. The Chairman will request a work party. Some weeds are coming through an older section of soft play surface. The Clerk has requested an annual Inspection and is waiting for confirmation.
LITTER PICKER. It was proposed by Cllr Deptford and seconded by the Chairman that Alison Smith be appointed as the Village Litter Picker. She had volunteered after Mr Lukjanieck gave up the post. Agreed, the resolution was passed.
Monthly report from RFO, including BACS payments. The RFO explained the previously circulated monthly report. It was proposed by Cllr Campion and seconded by Cllr Parsons that this be accepted as a true record. Agreed, the Resolution was passed.
20/0635/TPO. Tree work at The Old School, High Street. Electronically agreed that ‘No Comments' sent to NKDC within time scale.
20/0157/RESM. Revised house design, North Drove. It was proposed by Cllr Deptford and seconded by Cllr Campion that previously agreed an electronically discussed comments should be submitted to NKDC by July 16th. Resolution passed.
D/Cllr Jackson said the Planning Officer is inclined to accept the revision. He explained some of the planning policies. Parish Councillors said the revisions were such a change from the original outline that they should be brought to the planners attention. D/Cllr Jackson said he would ensure the Planning Officer saw the comments in the morning.
DATE OF NEXT MEETING . Tuesday September 15th 7pm. This will be subject to guidelines applicable at the time.
There being no further business, the Chairman closed the meeting at 7.45pm.
Dear Councillor I hereby give you notice that a Meeting of the Parish Council of the above named parish will be held virtually using Zoom, meeting at 7pm on Tuesday July 14th 2020.
All members of the parish council are hereby summoned to attend for the purpose of considering and resolving upon the business to be transacted at the meeting as set out hereunder. Clerk to the Parish Council, July 7th, 2020. Members of the public may also ‘attend’ this meeting as observers, but will not be allowed to speak during the transaction of the business.
2. MINUTES. Resolve to accept the notes from the Zoom meeting on May 19 th 2020. Resolve to accept the Actions and Procedures agreed by E mail as a result of the cancelled meeting on March 24th 2020.
3. PLAY PARK. Up to date situation re Coronavirus Regs. Pc has been liaising with the owner of adjacent property regarding removal of trees alongside, to be replaced by a fence. Park re-opened after thorough cleaning and placing warning notices.
4. LITTER PICKER. Resolve to appoint a new Litter Picker for the village and inform NKDC.
5. FINANCE – • Monthly report from RFO, including signing of Cheques/Approval of BACS payments. To be accepted and signed.
6. PLANNING MATTERS. 20/0635/TPO. Tree works at The Old School, High Street. Electronically agreed that ‘No Comments’ were sent to NKDC within the time scale. 20/0157/RESM. Revised house design, Property on land South of North Drove. Details circulated and comments agreed as circulated. Resolve to submit these to NKDC before July 16th .
7. DATE OF NEXT MEETING. Tuesday September 15th, 7.00pm. This will be subject to guidelines re Covid 19 at the time.